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Awarding of Credit for Previous Education or Other Acquired Knowledge, Including Military Education and Experience Form

Sonoma State University Nursing Department ----Documentation Form

Procedures for awarding of Credit for Previous Education or Other Acquired Knowledge, Including Military Education and Experience


1.     Matriculated student notifies Undergraduate Director, designee within 4 weeks of acceptance into the pre-licensure program of his/her request to seek course credit for previous education, or other acquired knowledge, including military education and experience and specifies course.

____ Yes                      ___ No

            Faculty Signature and Date ____________________________________


2.     Student provides materials, documents, and evidence for consideration for a specified course(s) within 6 weeks of acceptance into the program

____ Yes                     ___ No

Faculty Signature and Date ____________________________________


3.     The student adheres to the timelines noted in 1 and 2 above for consideration of request.

____ Yes         ___ No (if no, the request is denied and the student is notified)              


4.     Student meets with undergraduate nursing advisor or designee as requested.

____ Yes                     ___ No

Faculty Signature and Date ____________________________________


5.     The appropriate faculty or faculty members designated by the undergraduate advisor or designee reviews the materials, documents and evidence and within 3 weeks of receipt of materials to the department and makes the following determination

___ Awards course credit (Attach documentation to this form and place in student file)   

___ Cannot award course credit based on lack of appropriate or adequate documentation   (Comment below with rationale for denial of the request)




            Faculty Signature and Date ____________________________________


6.     Student is notified by the undergraduate advisor or designee of the decision within 4 weeks of receipt of materials, documents or evidence.  If a “cannot award credit” decision is made, the letter of notification will indicate the rationale behind the decision.  The student will be told that he/she can request a challenge course by exam and follow that CSU policy.

____ Yes                     ___ No


Faculty Signature and Date ____________________________________