Anne-Marie O’Brien
Associate Professor
Nichols Hall 274Office Hours
By Appointment Only
Advising Area
- Master's - Family Nurse Practitioner Program/Post Master's FNP Program
- Post-Licensure BSN Program
Dr. O'Brien practiced as a women's health nurse practitioner for 9 years in the field of reproductive endocrinology before going on to earn a PhD. Since earning her doctorate, she has taught nursing students from pre-licensure to graduate degree-level programs and also worked as nursing research scientist and nurse consultant in evidence-based practice. Over the last 30 years, she has worked for and with community organizations, academic institutions, and health systems in the belief that we can more effectively address racial and health inequities when we bring together our unique life experiences and expertise. Her clinical practice, research, and teaching have all centered on the social and ecological factors that influence a person's engagement in health promotion and shared decision-making. Dr. O'Brien and her co-author, Dr. Sandra Davis, published a book, Fast Facts about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Nursing: Building Competencies for an Antiracism Practice which was awarded third place in the 2022 AJN Book of the Year Awards in Nursing Education/Continuing Education/Professional Development. Dr. O'Brien is passionate about social justice and its impact on health disparities, and believes nursing students and nurses play a crucial role in partnering with communities to make positive change.
PhD in Nursing & Healthcare Innovation, Arizona State University, 2014
MSN, Women's Health NP, University of Pennsylvania, 1998
BSN, University of Pennsylvania, 1995
MA in French, University of California, Los Angeles, 1992
BA in French, University of Pennsylvania, 1989
PhD, MSN, MAAcademic Interests
Health Equity, Health Promotion, Research & Evidence-Based Practice, Women's Health, Gerontology
Courses Taught
NURS 410 Nursing Power, Policy & Politics
NURS 412P Community/Public Health Nursing Practicum
NURS 501 Health Promotion: Righting Disparities
NURS 560 Research and Theory in Primary Care
NURS 564 Health Policy & Advocacy in Primary Care
Selected Publications & Presentations
O’Brien, A.M. & Wood, E. (2024). “Enhancing Community Engagement: Perspectives from Researchers, Community Members, and Service Providers”. Virginia Journal of Public Health.
Freborg, K. & O’Brien, A.M. (2024). “Developing a Culture of Equity: How an AJEDI Nursing Committee at Sonoma State University is Creating Change”. The Diversity Digest.
Drake, J., Davis, T. M., O'Brien, A. M., Parker, C., Douglas, C. S., Thomas, D., ... & Mowery, B. D. (2024). “Nurses' Perceptions of Caring at Work: Mixed-Methods Study, Quantitative Report”. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 10-1097. DOI: 10.1097/NNA.0000000000001400.
Russell-Babin, K., Friesen, M., O’Brien, A.M., McLaughlin, M., Messing, J., Mowery, B., Bettencourt, A., & Graling, P. (2023). Nurse-Led Implementation Science Specialist Program. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 123(12), 38-45. DOI: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000997228.84722.c7
Davis, S.L. & O’Brien, A.M. (2022). Fast Facts on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Nursing: Building Competencies for an Anti-Racism Practice (Springer Publishing). A 12-chapter book to guide nurses in building their knowledge, skills, and attitudes to address racism and promote health equity and social justice. (Awarded 3rd Place AJN awards in the category of Professional Development/Continuing Education).
Davis, S. L. & O’Brien, A.M. (2020). “Let’s Talk about Racism: Getting Comfortable with the Uncomfortable: Building Structural Humility, Increasing Courage and Reducing Shame and Blame”. Special Issue AcademicMedicine.
O’Brien, A.M. & Kane, R.J. (2018). “Policing as a social determinant of health: The impact of drug enforcement on prenatal care utilization in urban communities”, Medical Research Archives, 6(2)