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Can I take all of the required SSU General Education courses at a community college even if I have accumulated more than the maximum allowable 70 units of transfer credit from a community college?

Yes. You may complete outstanding Lower Division General Education (LDGE) requirements at a community college. Such units will not count toward the total of 120 for the BSN degree if you have already hit the 70 unit maximum transfer mark but the course(s) will be counted to meet the specific CSU GE Area and American Institutions requirement indicated in the course catalog description. It is usually a good idea to meet as many Lower Division GE requirements as possible at a community college (less expensive and more convenient than SSU and also often available online). You can “hold out” 3-6 units of Area C to complete at the Upper Division (300-400) level at SSU so you can meet both the GE Area C requirement and the Upper Division GE (UDGE) requirement simultaneously.